How to Get More Matches on Tinder

Let’s face it, Tinder can feel like a whirlwind of profiles flying by, and it’s easy to feel like just another face in the crowd. But here’s the truth—you don’t need to be a supermodel or a comedian to get noticed. What really sets you apart is your rizz—your unique charm and confidence that makes you, you. Whether it’s how you carry a conversation or knowing the right moment to drop a flirty line, it’s all about using that rizz to its full potential. And if you need a little help getting started, these pick up lines can give you that extra edge to impress anyone

In this guide, I’m here to show you how to elevate your Tinder game. We’ll dive into some Tinder profile tips for more matches, from your photos to your bio, and how to make each element pop. And yes, I’ll share real-life examples, because nothing drives the point home like relatable stories.

How Tinder’s Algorithm Works (and Why You Should Care)

First thing’s first—Tinder isn’t just some swipe-left, swipe-right game. There’s a lot going on behind the scenes, and understanding the algorithm can make or break your chances. But let me tell you this—mindlessly swiping right on every single profile? That’s not the way. In fact, it could be hurting you.

If you want to increase matches on Tinder, the first step is being a little more selective. Tinder rewards active engagement, not just mindless swiping. That means sending messages, replying, and genuinely interacting with the app. When you’re intentional about how you use Tinder, the algorithm takes notice and boosts your profile. So let your rizz shine through in your convos, and the app will handle the rest.

Making Your Profile Shine Like the Star You Are

Best Tinder Profile Settings for Matches

Now let’s get into your profile settings. If you want quality matches, your settings need to reflect that. Set your preferences—age range, distance, gender—so they line up with the kind of people you’re looking to meet. Casting too wide a net won’t get you better results; in fact, it might lead to disappointment. Keep it focused and intentional.

How to Optimize Tinder Photos

Your photos? They are your first handshake. They’re the thing that makes someone stop in their tracks, so let’s make sure they’re pulling their weight.

  • Smile with your soul: A smile isn’t just about showing teeth—it’s about radiating warmth and confidence. Let your first photo be one where you’re smiling and making eye contact with the camera. That connection is everything.
  • High-quality, all the way: This isn’t the time for blurry, grainy selfies. We all have phones with great cameras these days, so use them! Make sure your photos are crisp, well-lit, and show you in your best light.
  • Show your world: Let your personality shine through your photos. If you love hiking, show yourself on the trail. If you’re into cooking, snap a pic of you in action. People are drawn to stories—your photos should tell yours.
  • Limit group shots: I love that you have a strong friend group, but remember—you’re the star here! If your profile is filled with group photos, people won’t know who they’re swiping on. Stick to one or two group shots max, and make sure you’re front and center.

Example: My client Jake used to have a group photo as his main pic—him and his friends at a party. But once he swapped it for a solo shot of him hiking, everything changed. Suddenly, his matches shot up. Why? Because people could see him, really see him, in a way that made them want to engage.

Writing a Bio That Doesn’t Make You Sound Like a Robot

Tinder Bio Tips to Get More Matches

Now, let’s talk bios. Your bio is your opportunity to let people know who you are beyond the photos. You don’t need to write an essay, but you do need to make it count.

  • Make them smile: Humor is a beautiful way to connect. You don’t have to try too hard—just be yourself. A clever line or playful quip can make someone stop and think, “This person seems fun.” And fun? Fun gets swipes.
  • Give them something to connect with: Share something real about yourself—whether it’s a hobby, a passion, or even a quirky fact. It makes starting a conversation with you easy, and it shows you’re bringing your true self to the table.
  • Call them in: If you want people to swipe right, give them a reason to. “Swipe right if you can beat me at Mario Kart,” or “Guess my go-to karaoke song.” This invites engagement and gives them a fun, low-pressure way to reach out.

Example: One of my clients, Emma, used to have a generic bio: “I like music and movies.” It didn’t get her many matches. After switching it up to, “I can quote every episode of The Office—challenge me,” her profile blew up. That small tweak made all the difference because it gave people a way to connect with her in a fun and playful way.

Timing and Swiping Like a Pro

Effective Ways to Get Matches on Tinder

You’ve heard the saying “Timing is everything,” right? Well, that applies to Tinder, too. If you’re swiping at 2 AM when most people are sleeping, you’re missing out on the prime action. The best time to swipe is during peak hours—typically between 6 and 9 PM when people are winding down and checking the app.

  • Swipe with intention: Swiping right on everyone? Bad move. Tinder notices that, and it can actually hurt your visibility. Be selective and swipe right on people who genuinely interest you. This tells Tinder you’re serious, and the algorithm will reward you by showing your profile to others who are more likely to match with you.
  • Try the Tinder Boost: Feeling like you need an extra push? Tinder Boost can help. It puts your profile at the top of the deck for 30 minutes, giving you more visibility. If you use it during those peak times, you’ll see more matches—and faster.

Example: My client Jason used to swipe at random times throughout the day with little success. I encouraged him to try swiping around 8 PM and to use a Boost during peak hours. The result? His matches tripled in just a few days. Sometimes, it’s not about how often you swipe, but when.

Keeping the Conversation Going

So, you got the match—amazing! Now the real work begins. This is where your rizz—your irresistible charm—needs to step up and shine. It’s not just about landing that match, it’s about keeping that spark alive. And trust me, the way you handle the conversation from here? It matters.

  • Forget the “Hey”: Let’s be real—starting with “Hey” or “What’s up?” isn’t exactly setting hearts on fire. You’re better than that! Look at their profile and engage with something that matters to them. Did they post a cute pic of their dog? Ask about it. Are they hiking in that epic photo? Dive into that experience. A personal touch goes a long way.
  • Flirt with finesse, not force: Flirting is like seasoning—too much and it’s overwhelming, too little and it’s bland. The key? Keep it light, playful, and authentic. A well-placed compliment or a teasing joke can work wonders, but forcing it feels fake. Let the flirtation unfold naturally.
  • Keep the convo alive: Don’t let the conversation fall flat. Open-ended questions are your best friend. Ask them something that’ll get them to share more about themselves. Try “What’s your dream vacation?” or “Tell me about the best meal you’ve ever had.” When people feel heard and valued, the connection gets deeper.

Example: One of my clients, Sarah, had a match with a guy who posted a photo from a music festival. Instead of going with the basic “Hey,” she asked, “What’s the best live band you’ve ever seen?” That single question opened the floodgates, and they had a conversation that lasted for days. Simple, personal, and effective.

Avoid the Tinder Traps That Kill Your Vibe

Let’s get real—there are some Tinder traps that can completely sabotage your chances, and I don’t want that happening to you. Here’s what to avoid:

  • No fake or heavily filtered photos: People can tell when you’re using a filter to the max, and it doesn’t feel authentic. Confidence is key—let the real you shine, and people will respond to that authenticity.
  • Update those old photos: If your profile is full of photos from five years ago, it’s time for an update. Make sure your pics reflect what you look like today. When you show up feeling like your profile truly represents you, that confidence radiates, and people will feel it.
  • Don’t be lazy with your bio: Leaving your bio blank or saying “Ask me anything” isn’t going to cut it. People want a reason to swipe right, so put in the effort. Let your bio be a fun intro to who you are—something that sparks curiosity.
  • Pace yourself with the texts: You match with someone, and you’re pumped. I get it! But sending multiple messages back-to-back before they’ve even had a chance to respond? That can come off as too much. Give the conversation space to breathe. Confidence shows up in patience.

Stay Active and Be Consistent

Here’s the thing: the secret sauce to improving your Tinder profile for better matches? It’s consistency. Stay active, show up regularly, and don’t be afraid to tweak your profile if you’re not seeing the results you want.

  • Log in daily: Tinder rewards people who are active. You don’t have to spend hours on the app, but checking in regularly—swiping, messaging, staying engaged—will keep your profile in the mix and help you increase matches on Tinder.
  • Tweak and adjust: If something’s not working, change it up! Swap out a photo, adjust your bio, and keep experimenting. Sometimes, it’s the smallest tweaks that make the biggest difference.

Example: My client Mike started logging in every evening, even if it was just for a quick swipe or to reply to a message. He also made small updates to his bio and photos every few weeks. As he stayed consistent, his matches increased steadily. It wasn’t an overnight fix, but it worked because he kept showing up.

Conclusion: Embrace Your Rizz, Own Your Tinder Game

If you’re looking to attract more matches on Tinder, it all comes down to showing up as your authentic, confident self. Tinder isn’t just about looking good—it’s about being real, having fun with the process, and letting your natural rizz take the lead. Pair your authenticity with some killer lines, like these Tinder Rizz Pick Up Lines, and you’ll increase your chances of connecting with matches that genuinely vibe with you.

Here’s the bottom line: Stay consistent. Keep tweaking your profile until it feels right. Engage with the app, but more importantly, engage with the people you’re matching with in a meaningful way. You’ve got all the tools you need to make this work—you just need to trust in your own ability to create that spark.

So go out there, swipe with intention, and watch your matches start rolling in. You’ve got this, and I’m rooting for you every step of the way.


How can I get more matches on Tinder?

Make sure your profile is well-rounded—use high-quality photos, write a bio that shows your personality, and stay active on the app. Timing your swipes during peak hours and engaging in conversations also boosts your visibility.

What’s the best first message to send on Tinder?

Avoid saying just “Hey.” Personalize your opener based on their profile—comment on something specific like a pet, a hobby, or a shared interest to spark a meaningful conversation.

How many photos should I include on my Tinder profile?

Ideally, 4-6 photos. Make sure they reflect who you are, with a mix of solo shots, activity-based photos, and maybe one group shot to show your social side.

Should I use Tinder Boost to get more matches?

Yes! Tinder Boost can help increase your visibility by putting your profile at the top of the stack for 30 minutes, especially if used during peak hours.

How often should I update my Tinder profile?

Updating your profile every few weeks keeps things fresh and can improve your visibility. Switch up photos, tweak your bio, and experiment to see what works best.

What’s the best time to swipe on Tinder?

Peak Tinder hours are usually between 6 PM and 9 PM. Swiping during this time increases your chances of connecting with active users.

What should I avoid on my Tinder profile?

Avoid blurry or outdated photos, overly filtered images, and empty bios. Also, avoid swiping right on every profile as it can reduce your match quality.

How do I keep a conversation going after matching?

Ask open-ended questions and keep it light. Show genuine interest in their responses, and keep the conversation fun and engaging.


  • Gwen Adams

    Gwen Adams is the voice behind Wrizzler, specializing in dating tips and communication strategies. Known for her relatable, witty writing, she helps readers boost their confidence, master compliments, and elevate their rizz game to create meaningful connections online.

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