How to Respond to “What’s Up” with Confidence and Rizz

When someone drops a ‘What’s up?’ (WSP) text, it might seem casual, but it’s a perfect opportunity to let your rizz shine. The way you reply can set the tone for a great conversation, helping you build stronger connections. And if you really want to up your game, having some killer lines ready always helps—like these best rizz pick-up lines to impress anyone. But knowing how to respond in different contexts is key, so let’s dive into the best ways to handle it.

Understanding Different Contexts

Your response to “What’s up?” depends on the person you’re talking to and the context of the conversation. Let’s explore the different types of replies:

Casual Responses

When you’re talking to friends or acquaintances, keeping it simple and relaxed is the way to go. Here’s how to answer WSP casually:


  • “Not much, just watching some Netflix. You?”
  • “Just got back from the gym. How about you?”
  • “Nothing crazy, just chilling. What’s up with you?”
  • “Taking it easy today. You up to anything fun?”
  • “Just relaxing at home, what are you up to?”

These best replies to WSP text keep the conversation open without any pressure.

Flirty Responses

If you’re texting someone you’re interested in, this is where you can show off your confidence. Flirty responses to what’s up help set the tone for a more playful conversation.


  • “Not much, but seeing your message just made my day.”
  • “I was just thinking about you 😉.”
  • “Nothing much, but I’d love to hang out with you soon.”
  • “Just wondering when I’ll get to see that smile again 😉.”
  • “Not much, except I’ve been missing you.”

These creative ways to reply to WSP add a playful tone while keeping the mood light and fun.

Playful Responses

Sometimes humor is the best way to break the ice. Funny replies to what’s up are great for keeping the conversation engaging and lighthearted.


  • “Just trying to decide if I should order pizza for the third time this week. Thoughts?”
  • “Debating if I should start a career in professional napping. You?”
  • “Plotting world domination, care to join?”
  • “Just thinking about how many tacos I could eat in one sitting. Wanna guess?”
  • “I’m stuck in a YouTube rabbit hole of funny cat videos. Save me!”

These creative comebacks for WSP greetings help show off your playful side.

Friendly Responses

When the goal is to keep things friendly without any romantic intent, your response should be warm and engaging. These smart responses to what’s up are great for maintaining a connection without sending mixed signals.


  • “Just catching up on my favorite show. How’s your day going?”
  • “Not much, just finished a great book. What about you?”
  • “Just got back from a walk. You up to anything fun today?”
  • “Enjoying this sunny day! What about you?”
  • “Not much, but I’m excited about this weekend’s plans. How about you?”

Best Responses Based on Situation

Generic Responses

When you want to keep it simple and direct, generic responses work well. These best ways to respond to WSP are quick and easy to use.


  • “Not much, what about you?”
  • “Nothing much, you?”
  • “Just hanging out. What’s up with you?”
  • “Not much, how’s your day going?”
  • “Just relaxing, what about you?”

Personalized Responses

Tailoring your response to the person’s interests makes the conversation feel more engaging and thoughtful.


  • “Not much, just saw your post about that concert. How was it?”
  • “Nothing much, but I saw you went hiking recently. How was the trail?”
  • “Just hanging out. Have you tried that new cafe you were talking about?”
  • “Not much, but I saw your story about your dog. He’s adorable!”
  • “Just chilling, did you finish that book you were reading?”

Flirty Responses

Flirty responses let you show interest and keep things fun.


  • “Just thinking about our last conversation 😏.”
  • “Not much, but your message just made my day better.”
  • “Just wondering when I’ll get to see you again 😉.”
  • “I was just thinking about how cute you are.”
  • “Not much, except missing you a little.”

How to Read Between the Lines

Signs of Interest

If the person is engaging with you, asking questions, or responding quickly, they’re probably interested. Here’s how to recognize when they’re into the conversation:

  • They reply with long, thoughtful answers.
  • They ask about your day or follow up with a question.
  • They throw in a bit of humor or flirtation.

Knowing When to Back Off

If they’re sending short replies or not engaging, it might be time to ease up. Examples of disengaged replies:

  • “Not much.”
  • “Just chilling.”
  • “Busy with work.”

Adding Humor and Rizz to Your Response

Using Humor to Break the Ice

Humor is a powerful tool in conversation, and a funny reply can instantly improve the vibe.


  • “Just trying to convince my cat that I’m the boss around here. What about you?”
  • “I was wondering how long I can procrastinate today. Any advice?”
  • “I’m stuck in a loop of watching TikTok. Send help!”
  • “Not much, just trying to avoid being an adult today. You?”
  • “Just here, thinking about starting a world-record nap streak. Care to join?”

Rizz in Action

Charisma, or rizz, is about being confident and charming in your responses.


  • “Just thinking how fun it’d be to hang out with you 😉.”
  • “I was wondering when I’d get another cute message from you.”
  • “Not much, but your message just made my day.”
  • “Thinking about how lucky I am to be chatting with you.”
  • “Just planning our next adventure together 😉.”

Tips for Keeping the Conversation Flowing

Asking Open-Ended Questions

Keep the conversation alive by asking questions that invite more than just a yes or no response.


  • “What’s something fun you’ve done recently?”
  • “Any exciting weekend plans?”
  • “What’s the best thing you’ve watched this week?”
  • “If you could travel anywhere right now, where would it be?”
  • “What’s something you’re looking forward to?”

Transitioning to Real Life

Once you’ve established a connection, don’t hesitate to suggest taking things offline for a real-life meet-up.


  • “We should grab coffee sometime and talk about this in person!”
  • “Let’s catch up in real life—what’s your weekend look like?”
  • “This is fun, but I’d rather hear your thoughts in person over drinks.”
  • “You should join me for a hike this weekend. What do you think?”
  • “How about we grab dinner and continue this chat in person?”

Real-Life Scenarios: How to Handle WSP in a Conversation

Here are some real-world situations where you can apply these tips:

  • Scenario 1: Someone You Just Met Online
    • Them: “What’s up?”
    • You: “Hey! Not much, just catching up on some Netflix. What’s your go-to show?”
  • Scenario 2: A Crush You’re Trying to Get to Know Better
    • Them: “What’s up?”
    • You: “Not much, just wondering when I’ll get to see that smile in person again 😉.”
  • Scenario 3: A Friend You’re Flirting With
    • Them: “What’s up?”
    • You: “Trying to figure out when we’re grabbing that coffee together.”

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  1. One-Word Responses: Nothing kills a vibe faster than a dull, one-word answer like “nothing.” It shuts down the conversation and makes it hard for the other person to respond.
  2. Over-Flirting Too Early: While flirty responses can work, don’t go too overboard from the start. Gauge their tone and match it.
  3. Delayed Replies: Don’t wait too long to respond, as it can make you seem uninterested. Keep the flow of the conversation smooth by replying within a reasonable timeframe.


Responding to WSP can be simple, but using it as an opportunity to show off your charm and rizz is where the real magic happens. Whether you’re going for a flirty, witty, or casual response, keeping it authentic and engaging will help you build better connections. Use these tips to create smart responses to what’s up that keep the conversation flowing and leave a lasting impression.

Now that you’re equipped to respond to ‘What’s up?’ with confidence and rizz, here’s how to respond to WSG and take your conversations to the next level!


What’s the best way to respond to “What’s up”?

The best way is to keep it open-ended and engaging, like “Not much, how about you?”

How do I respond without sounding boring?

Avoid one-word answers, add humor or personalization, and keep the conversation going by asking questions.

When should I add humor to my response?

If the conversation feels casual or playful, humor is a great way to lighten the mood and keep things interesting.

How do I know if someone is interested or just being polite?

Look for signs like them asking questions, replying quickly, or engaging with your replies.

What’s the best way to keep the conversation going after “What’s up”?

Ask open-ended questions and share something interesting about yourself to keep the dialogue flowing.


  • Gwen Adams

    Gwen Adams is the voice behind Wrizzler, specializing in dating tips and communication strategies. Known for her relatable, witty writing, she helps readers boost their confidence, master compliments, and elevate their rizz game to create meaningful connections online.

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